Nice of you to stop by

Welcome to our website. Beerbelly are a three piece band from Cambridgeshire. Brought together by chance, Beerbelly's members originate from Cambridge, Stoke on Trent and Birmingham and have played in various line ups in their respective home towns before coming together in Cambridge.

We have a change of line up for 2022/23 with Mark Chesterman on Drums. Mark is Cambridge born and bred and loves to film us! See us on You Tube for more....

Consisting of Drums Bass and Guitars we specialise in guitar based pop rock music. With a keen following from local music lovers, Beerbelly have established an excellent reputation locally. From acoustic ballads to balls out rock & roll, we can deliver!!

The audio you can hear was recorded live in 2011. There are four tracks, please listen to them all or you can hit the fast forward button to move to the next one. In the collection so far are Australia, Highway to Hell, Learn to fly and Red. We hope you like them.

We shall be recording more soon to add to the collection. A visit to the studio and some video to follow.

You can contact us via phone, text, email, Lemonrock or Facebook where there are lots of photos and a video or two.......

See below for upcoming gigs. We hope you can make one of the shows soon. We look forward to meeting you... \m/

If you go to the bottom of the photo page there is a clip from our Local Radio station Black cat radio, where Beerbelly feature on the Dave Thomas rock show.

Gig List

Previous events

You are visitor number: 24361


Beerbelly T shirts 

New T shirts are on their way! Let me know if you want one ;-)
October 2014.

World Aids Day 

See the little video we recorded for World Aids Day at:-

Children In Need 

On Sunday 17th November, I am going to do a Firewalk for Children in Need. It Starts at 7pm at Georges Bar in March Cambridgeshire. You can sponsor me if you would like to. Message me and Ill tell you where to send yer money!!
You can always come along to heckle on the night!


Why dont you send us a photo of yourself in a Beerbelly t shirt?

We will include it on the site and the best one might even win a cheeky prize!

Come on you know you want to.............


Black cat radio 

Hiya Beerbellies,  Your favourite band will be featured on the Dave Thomas rock show on Monday 30th September 2013. Following Daves two appearances with the trio, he is going to feature us on his show!  We will try to get an MP3 for the site. Listen in if you can!

GIGS - 2014 

We've started taking bookings for 2014! There are a couple of weddings in and the pubs and clubs are talking about dates already. Good stuff! keep em coming! All gigs will be posted on here, so keep your eye out, we may be up your way!

On Tour

Beerbelly Merchandise coming soon